Pandemic Health and Safety for Workers
Over the past several months there have been many health and safety measures introduced.  The three documents linked below are consolidated policies and procedures for health and safety.  If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your Service Coordinator.
Please review and send us the signed page and certificate to your Service Coordinator.

Pandemic Health and Safety: Workers - October 7th, 2020

Presentation: How Do I Protect Myself from COVID-19?

Elements, Solus, and Trillium Support Services: COVID-19 Screen Tool


Covid disease (COVID-19):  Outbreak Update

 Please click on the following links

Worker Health and Safety in 4 steps

 COVID-19 Facts

Hand washing - Video

 Hand Sanitizing - Video

Hand washing - Step by Step:

Reduce the spread of COVID-19: Wash your hands infographic 

 Mask - donning

 Mask – doffing

 N95 Masks – 4 videos in playlist

 Gloves – donning

 Gloves – doffing

Working in a confirmed COVID-19 environment - Video

Mental and Physical Wellbeing

 Additional resources can be found by accessing the following: